Saturday, March 3, 2012

15. Effective Advertising

Again and again Volkswagen hits home with its advertising.

Their ad from 1960, "Think Small,"  courtesy of Bill Bernach, was a huge success.

Why? Because it was a different approach to the luxury of other automobiles and instead showed the simplicity of the car. The minimalistic approach to this ad campaign was successful because consumers wanted a car that was simple, affordable and durable.  These ads helped build brand loyalty and a positive connection to the brand.

Earlier in one of my blog posts I talked about Volkswagen's superbowl "Darth Vader" commercials.  Those commercials were successful because Volkswagen used an iconic movie that would appeal to multiple generations.  By creating a positive connection to Star Wars and Volkswagen, people will be more likely to purchase a car in the future.  Volkswagen plays off of its consumers and what they like.

Other simplistic ads include: "Big Truck" and "Wedding."

This ad focuses again on the simplicity of Volkswagen cars and their affordability.  With the bride and groom blurred out, it calls the attention to the background where a double decker bus has a Volkswagen advertisement on it.  The simple wedding advertisement is eye catching and conveys a simple message. Volkswagen always has ads that are to the point and find interesting ways to advertise it.

While other auto industries advertise the car and all its new features Volkswagen advertises the everyday experience of owning the car and gives consumers a little "slice of life."  By doing commercials or ads that show everyday experiences, Volkswagen is letting the consumers imagine what their lives would be like with its products.  Volkswagen knows how to connect with the consumer and make lasting impressions.

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